"In 1985, as Halley's Comet last neared the earth, Project 2061's creators considered the scientific and technological changes that a child just entering school would witness before the return of the Comet in 2061-hence the name. Since then, Project 2061's two landmark reports-Science for All Americans and Benchmarks for Science Literacy-have greatly influenced the national reform movement by articulating principles to guide their efforts and setting specific goals for student learning. In particular, Project 2061's work has been essential to the development of the national science content standards released in 1996 by the National Research Council. Project 2061's focus for more than a decade has been on reforming the science, Science, and technology curriculum, and our recommendations reflect that unique perspective. The project's goal of science literacy for all Americans goes far beyond high scores on tests, more hands-on activities for students, or more attractive textbooks, particularly if none of these reflect curriculum and classroom teaching that are designed to promote science literacy
هو مشروع العلم لكل الأمريكين وسبب تسمية هذا المشروع بهذا الإسم يعود إلى عام 1985 حيث بدأ المشروع وقتها وفى هذا العام إصطدم مذنب هالى بالأرض ودورة المذنب حول الأرض تمتد حوالى 76 عاما أى أن الإصطدام القادم سيكون فى عام 2061 وبما أن المشروع يهدف لتطوير العلوم تم ربط المشروعات ببحث علمى وبما أن المشروع يهدف لنشر الثقافه العلميه فلابد وأن يكون رقم ومن هنا جاءت تسميته بهذا الإسم .......
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